Do’s and Don’ts for an Effective Sales Deck

group people working out business plan office compressed

Running a business ultimately means that you’re going to really sell a product and that means you’re going to need a refined sales deck, and with changing times, technologies, and trends your sales deck is going to need to evolve.

Catching the attention of investors can be quite a challenge nowadays and simply presenting a list of tools, products, and services might not cut it today. You have to pitch your sales deck in a way that shows investors what the story of your business is about in an engaging and informative way. Here are a few Do’s and Don’ts when coming up with an effective and well rounded Sales Deck.


Be Brief but Concise

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A classic case of show don’t tell. When it comes to presenting your products often times making use of highfalutin words and complicated data can overwhelm your audience and might even dismiss what you’re trying to say – at worse they might find it forgettable. A short but powerful introduction about your business, its product and services, and what other value-add it can offer to customers would be more than enough in keeping the sales deck interesting and relevant. No need for fancy lingo, industry terms, and jargon keep your pitch simple and straight to the point.


Tell A Story

ECommerce in the Time of a Pandemic


Get your audience invested in what you’re trying to pitch, you can do this by focusing on what the problem is, what solutions are possible, how your business can be that solution, and why your business or product will succeed. By getting your audience to be immersed in your business’ goals and vision can be the key to your success. You can also use your presentation to your advantage here, show your audience by providing related images, photographs, and graphics – they do say a picture is worth a thousand words.


Highlight Solutions

Global Lockdown and Limited Movement

Following up on the last tip, it’s important to make sure you don’t drown them in those goals and visions, keep it in moderation. Once you’ve said what you need to say about what your business wants to achieve you can then start focusing on solutions. By putting emphasis on what solutions the business brings, it concurrently highlights what problems it aims to solve without having to present each and every item in full detail.

By having the sales deck show how your products and services will improve their overall business and promote growth, you can illustrate how your solutions bridge the gap they are currently experiencing.


Provide a Meaningful and Prepared Deck

Commerce in the time of Coronavirus


Make sure that your pitch has everything you expect investors to ask such as documents, numbers, data, etc. the last thing you want is to let them catch you unprepared. Especially since numbers and financials are what investors will pay attention to most. When it comes to preparing your deck make sure it’s not filled with unnecessary details and provide only the details that are the most important to your overall presentation. This is because investors are busy and don’t have the time to plough through long sales decks, make sure you keep your sales deck short and sweet, and if you think they need more details from you you can always put it in the appendix.

Sales decks can be modified depending on the audience or recipient, but the tips above can serve as its baseline to build on. With AScalex, you can have an outsourcing solutions partner who can create decks, templates and all other branding and marketing content that fits your business persona. Our team of highly skilled and experienced marketing professionals will be a dedicated extension of your own team, in ensuring that your business grows successfully.


Hope we can share more details with you on this!

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